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Virtual Green Speakeasy: Making the Invisible Visible

Hear "Making the invisible visible: Developing hyperlocal air monitoring networks to better inform policy development and enactment," by Harold Rickenbacker, manager of Clean Air and Innovation in the Environmental Defense Fund.

The emergence of lower-cost air quality sensors has redefined the power of comprehensive spatial-temporal data. But while technology is advancing and creating new hyperlocal insights, cities have struggled to shift from data to action or to implement strategies for air pollution mitigation and management. 

EDF works domestically and internationally, utilizing both mobile and stationary monitoring networks to inform land-use zoning and permitting, implementing emergency public health interventions, and advising the design of traffic management measures and transportation projects. 

The routine availability of high-resolution air quality data in major urban areas will have transformative implications for environmental management and policy, air pollution science, and public health awareness and advocacy.


Nov. 19 from 4-5:30 p.m.